Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Progress Report- for week ended 7/6/08

The last few days I've been having car trouble so my apologies for not updating earlier. That being said, here are my goals for July 2008:

  1. Break even or Increase Net Worth - a few days ago I thought this goal was definitely within reach. Then over the weekend, I had some car trouble which made that goal all the more difficult to achieve - to be specific, in excess of $300 more difficult. It could be worst though.
  2. Set up website for business - still have not done this. I am waiting for paperwork back from the state.
  3. Set up checking account for business - still have not done this . I am waiting for paperwork from the state.
  4. Get business cards for business - and to sound even more like a broken record 'still have not done this. waiting on bureaucratic state forms to be approved.
So not much progress I'll admit but it was a holiday weekend and I did have car trouble. This week I should have more time to focus.

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